East Coast Swing is a Rhythm Dance that has both 6 and 8 beat patterns.
The basic step (Jive Basic) is a six beat pattern, comprising eight weight changes.
They can never match it exactly, so audible beat patterns are created.
The book broke the codes down into simple beats-little black stick figures dancing across the page represented the beat patterns.
The location code always began with a triple beat pattern.
The sixth and final movement is in multiple cycles of the preceding beat patterns.
Like many children's songs, the song has a very strong well-defined beat pattern.
The images show the most common beat patterns, as seen from the conductor's point of view.
The beating between the 199-millisecond pulsations and the one-Hertz data sampling rate gives it the 200-second beat pattern.
Gongs come in different sizes, and provide a structure for phrasing for the music by repeating a four or eight beat pattern.