It requires a broad glare and a beaten road.
Luckily, on this side of the beaten road the wrecka-e of the Forest was thinner.
As they rolled through the countryside on a beaten road, Pitino stood up with a feigned look of grimness.
For you the rain should allay the dust of the beaten road; the wind dry your clothes upon you as you walked.
They left Ludlow distant on their right hand, and went on along the beaten road.
I fell into a beaten road, where I saw many tracts of human feet, and some of cows, but most of horses.
He cut the broad beaten road that led from Gubulawayo to the hidden valley of the Umlimo.
After leaving the fields, the knights enter an enclosed place, and find a beaten road.
And they were not riding along the beaten road, which was out of his sight beyond the horizon.
Since Modestine had shown such a fancy for beaten roads, I tried her instinct in this predicament.