Or shall we skulk like beaten women and lick our wounds?
"The tattered bravado of a beaten woman," he said in a low voice.
She had already been a beaten woman.
Still, it seemed like hours to the weary, beaten woman as the orog fought wildly, trying to get its head up above the water.
Sung her way, the song's beaten woman was more powerful than the man.
She bowed her head, trying her best to look like a beaten woman.
'Oh,' the beaten woman moaned as the last two blows fell.
There were bloody knife wounds, a shooting or two, a couple of beaten women and a large black man screaming obscenities.
She has described herself as "a beaten woman" when she was at the hands of husband Ozzy where he once knocked out her front teeth.
The beaten woman then went to a nearby social club, the police said.