I refer to the prize of my collection - a beautiful diamond of high value.
After that a friend noticed a gradual change in her: "Twenty years ago she was like a diamond - beautiful, brilliant and cold.
Bill's life recalls the Rabbinic story of a king who had a beautiful diamond.
Sawing a woman in half "He could have won her with one of our beautiful diamonds"
I found several beautiful diamonds, but they seemed a little light weight to me when I was picking them out.
But knowing you, I forgot the pearls and settled for this beautiful diamond.
Inside was a small but beautiful diamond in a gold setting, glittering in the light of the great hall.
His first words to her, so the story goes, were, "That's a beautiful diamond you're wearing; too bad it isn't real."
In order to yield large, beautiful diamonds he needed to hit the Cullinan in exactly the right place.
She stared down at her hand and the beautiful diamond.