Peaches is a beautiful, mystical tale that finds the author questioning the most fundamental source of his art--his memory.
"One of the most beautiful tales about Colombia", according to local critics.
"It is a beautiful tale," Tegid said.
Is not this beautiful tale about the fair freedom fighter against an unexplained metaphysical evil an insult to liberation movements around the world?
A beautiful new tale of a story of how far one will go to reclaim the love, name, and honor, that goes beyond existence.
A beautiful, romantic tale, by turns bitter and sweet, it had brought tears to her eyes more than once.
A beautiful and heart-tugging tale of two families who are so different from one another, yet connected through a special bond.
Set in late-18th-century Brooklyn, Barton's second novel is a beautiful tale of women, gin-making and bridge-building.
There is no more beautiful and thrilling tale of early pioneer days than the story of Helen Patterson.
The band successfully weaves beautiful little tales of small town life into their songs.