It is thus surrounded by beautiful woodlands and undulating countryside providing panoramic views.
This was her own place, this room in this house with wide fields and the beautiful woodlands around it.
Kilmovee is a picturesque mainly rural parish noted for its beautiful woodland, Irish music and amateur drama.
There is also an adventure playground, 100 hectares of beautiful pristine woodland with extensive walking trails, a gift shop bar and restaurant.
Keresley parish is largely rural and contains some beautiful ancient woodland.
Many miles of paths meander through beautiful woodland, parkland and alongside lochs and rivers.
Today, we are looking at the young saplings wrapped in green plastic, but in years to come our grandchildren will have a beautiful woodland.
Common beeches are beautiful woodland and landscape trees at any time of year.
This week's walk features beautiful woodlands, an 18th-century folly, and views of three counties.
This area includes some of the most beautiful woodland in Gower.