Philip Johnson's Neo-Classical design, prepared when the architect had already moved away from the International Style, beautifully demonstrates the idea he called "procession," the way people approach, enter and move through buildings.
As one of Seurat's final paintings, The Channel of Gravelines, Petit Fort Philippe demonstrates beautifully the principles of Seurat's own Neo-Impressionist movement.
Richard was a "special" child in several senses, and he beautifully demonstrates how this word, especially as it was used in the South, is roomy enough to accommodate contradictory meanings.
Remembering perfectly is the best revenge, as Todd Solondz demonstrates so beautifully in "Welcome to the Dollhouse," his mordantly hilarious suburban comedy about the torments endured by an awkward young girl.
From then on, as Hay beautifully demonstrates, the lives of the Hunts, Shelleys and - often somewhat against his own inclinations - Lord Byron, became entwined.
Founders Mosaics - DuSable Museum of African American History The founders' murals are Miller's magnum opus, and beautifully demonstrate the creativity that is typical of his work.
But despite its inability to tackle everyday, real-world strife, Green Fire's cyber pagan cosmology beautifully demonstrates the particular eclecticism of the new spirituality.
Mr. Cantwell's book demonstrates beautifully that the convenient academic categories we use to slice up American history and culture are inadequate to grasp a cultural phenomenon like folk music.
Mr President, this issue demonstrates beautifully the need for something like the European Union.
Secondly, there have been a great number of 'transitional' fossils discovered which beautifully demonstrate some of the key evolutionary moments in the history of our planet.