Nurtured by The Kosi, pampered by the mellifluous Mahananda,showered gracefully by Lord Indra, abuzz with sweet Maithili and portrayed beautifully by Renu, Purnia, no doubt, qualifies itself to be called Poor Mans Darjeeling.
In this bruising, intimate and overly familiar play, which is part of the Brits Off Broadway festival, Jonathan Lichtenstein beautifully portrays how the war destroyed one rural family (1:30).
The video beautifully portrays our progress through the phases and how we went through makeover sessions and ultimately, our final moment of triumph.
In fact, "Right to Die" is less about Emily than about her husband, Bob, portrayed beautifully by Michael Gross ("Family Ties"), their two young daughters and their sympathethic friends and colleagues.
In a less ballyhooed import, "The Pull of Negative Gravity," a bruising and intimate play that won a Fringe First Award for new writing at the 2004 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the playwright Jonathan Lichtenstein beautifully portrays how the war destroyed one rural Welsh family without mentioning George W. Bush or Saddam Hussein.
Not too unlike the tale of Otherside [see Californication album], the story which Slow Cheetah beautifully portrays using subtle Native American perspectives and overtones, expounds poetically upon the dangerous grip of heroin over one's entire life and the incredible difficulties of entirely escaping its allure - long, long after stopping use.
Andrea Devaro of Long Island Press concluded, "its simplicity beautifully portrays the complexity of emotions invoked in the song."
She also beautifully portrays the unspoken but painful rivalry among mother, daughter and son for Rufus's friendship.