The almost painful resonance of this beautifully refurbished little space at Carnegie Hall aided and abetted all the exuberance.
The mechanicals in this 19th-century house have been updated, and its original mahogany and oak details and seven decorative fireplaces have been beautifully refurbished.
Seventy years later, this building has been beautifully refurbished to house your Court.
A Map Constructed in 1788, the beautifully refurbished Théâtre Graslin is the home of the Nantes Opera.
Last year, beautifully refurbished, it became a parador.
It and the old city walls around it have been beautifully refurbished and the pavilion now houses a very popular local teahouse.
The Montpelier Plantation Inn, which has recently been bought and beautifully refurbished by an American couple who grew weary of investment banking, offered the best.
But this year's abundant monsoon had meant the hotel, now beautifully refurbished, once again seems to float on the lake.
Now, centuries later, the building has emerged, beautifully refurbished, as a unique caravansary.
Originally built by the Jaccarino family (who also own the renowned Hotel Tramontano), the hotel has now returned to their ownership and been beautifully refurbished.