The sky to the west was beautifully serene.
How beautifully serene the morning was, the peaceful scene betrayed only by the smell of death that hung on the air.
Her beautifully serene smile faded when Rennie continued to look anxious.
This is a beautifully serene if essentially conservative show.
He was in a cloistered area, large, beautifully serene, gracefully laid out, with a splashing fountain at the center.
He did like "In a Silent Way", calling it "beautifully serene" but wished there were other performances with similar "reflective moments".
At the same time, she couldn't help thinking how beautifully serene the square looked with only a scattering of people strolling its landscaped walks.
How beautifully serene the morning was, the peaceful scene betrayed only by the smel!
The following night was beautifully serene and clear.
As a result, her adagio with Mr. Graffin was beautifully serene.