Beautifully structured, funny dialogue, a real page turner, and the characters are emotionally driven so that it's not just a series of jokes.
An equal blend of pinot noir and chardonnay, it is full-flavoured yet elegant and beautifully structured.
"In Full Swing," the new piece, is a cleverly stylized pillow fight, beautifully structured and danced with mind-boggling precision by the young cast.
The novel is beautifully structured, a rush of almost cinematic narrative and transition, to make its points.
It is meticulously made, wonderfully aromatic, mouth-wateringly crisp, beautifully structured and elegant.
"It seems so beautifully structured to me this way - I did not want to break that arc."
But many are beautifully structured and much less oaky than they used to be.
Her face was beautifully structured, the face of a fashion model.
The plots were beautifully structured and were very performable.
The opera is beautifully structured in a great dramatic sweep, with consistently strong music.