He admitted he'd neglected their relationship because of his anger with Margaret.
She entered the race because of her anger about the confirmation of Justice Thomas.
The measure, a perennial, was resurrected this year partly because of legislators' anger over Mayor Koch calling them ineffective on state aid.
"He killed because of his anger and his hate for the family that was responsible for taking his family away."
Several prospective jurors said they would not be able to judge the case fairly, because of their anger or other emotions relating to Enron.
The next day, Vasanthi leaves the house secretly because of her sister's anger.
Enraged follows the dramatic and compelling stories of two families close to the breaking point because of a loved one's explosive anger.
This ejection gained notoriety because of the size of Rauch and his anger towards Márquez.
Because of his anger built up from all the years of growing up without his father, Jon confronts Luthor alone.