Because of their donkey-like braying call they were previously named 'Jackass Penguins'.
The falls were in good fettle for the shots, with a lot of spring melt water and plenty of ptarmigan (for us, 'chainsaws', because of their call).
Mr. Graham's crusades filled stadiums even into his old age because of his simple, passionate call to Christianity.
Although two weeks ago he openly seethed for days about losing a race because of a questionable umpires' call, he appears to have put the episode behind him.
"And you feel sure he got in touch with you because of your call to Simpson and Walling?"
Many of his supporters say they turned to Mr. Le Pen because of his strong law-and-order stance and his call to halt immigration.
The song of Meimuna opalifera, called "tsuku-tsuku boshi", is said to indicate the end of summer, and it is called so because of its particular call.
Labor leaders are suspicious of him, largely because of his call for a capital gains tax cut and his opposition to legislation outlawing substitute workers during strikes.
He accused the party establishment of fighting his candidacy because of his call for a ban on the unregulated donations to political parties known as "soft money."
However, I abstained on this resolution because of its call for a no-fly zone.