The FFI believed they should have a share in national power because of their contribution to the Allied war effort.
We urge a halt to illegal immigration and a large reduction in legal immigration because of their contribution to the growth of our population.
A heritage asset is a item that has value because of its contribution to a nation's society, knowledge and/or culture.
However, it has also sparked controversy because of its nutrition content and its possible contribution to childhood obesity.
It also turns out that he has been reluctantly allowed to rejoin the Raith family's ranks, because of his contribution to saving the White Court.
In spring 2006, Mark Ellingham said he had grave concerns about the growth in air travel because of its growing contribution to climate change.
But despite its practicality, it was outlawed two seasons later in 1894 because of its contribution to serious injury.
The village was the first in the mandal to have bus service to the state capital Hyderabad, because of its contribution to cloth business.
"Dr. Allan tried to kill himself because of his contribution to your treachery."
The sentence was suspended because of his age and his "contribution to the business world."