Because of his prior conviction for rape and because he's not made any efforts to say he's sorry.
Because of his conviction for an aggravated felony, Leocal was ordered deported in October 2001.
Mr. Santana's sentence had been extended because of his conviction in the park attack.
Harry Claiborne, a former Federal district judge, has been barred from practicing law in Federal courts because of his conviction for tax evasion.
He sizes a man up, but not a woman, because of his conviction that any opinion formed of any woman is sure to be wrong.
But current law bars him from serving as prime minister because of his conviction for reciting a combative poem in 1997, when he was mayor of Istanbul.
Minister Väinö Tanner and his wife Linda attempted to have the sentence to be commuted to life imprisonment because of their conviction against death penalty.
He already faces a possible life sentence because of his conviction for violating Mr. Louima's civil rights.
Mr. Turner resigned from Frank Russell last year because of his growing conviction that the industry was habitually understating pension costs.
One defendant, Mr. Santana, is in prison on an unrelated charge, serving a sentence that was extended because of his conviction in the 1989 attack.