Aberdeen was examined separately because of its special place in the North Sea oil industry.
It has been designated a historic site because of its place in the area's history.
Popularly it is qualified as "fortress", because of its place and high walls that support its primary level.
They aren't telling you what to do and they're not mocking you because of your place in society or saying they are better than you.
It is also a big day in racing because of its place on the calendar.
But it has received far less attention because of its late place in the calendar.
The earlier societies we have visited were primitive in their values because of their early place in social evolution.
Built in the early 19th century, it has been declared a historic site because of its place in local history.
It is not like holding a political position because of your place in society.
This is the gold standard in black holes because of its place in history.