Provincial governments are liable as well because of their responsibility under public health legislation to contain the spread of infectious diseases.
In the end, he knows staying is an impossibility because of his responsibility to track down the Krang.
She tells him she cannot leave because of her responsibility for the family.
Q: Isn't the argument that the job has to go to a Briton because of its anti-terrorist responsibility invalid?
Humphrey is disappointed, but Kate's demands to leave because of her responsibility to the packs.
I had put a lot of pressure on myself because of my responsibility to my kids and to others.
Much of the focus will be on the board's audit committee because of its responsibility for Enron's accounting and financial reporting.
The reference on the broadcast, however, might merely have cited Mr. Qiao because of his special responsibility for security.
Could employers treat women differently because of their childbearing capacity and their primary responsibility for childrearing?
IDS's ratings have risen since the riots - perhaps because of his new responsibility to tackle criminal gangs.