Also, Anushka's popularity increased because of her more glamorous role in the movie.
The woman is intriguing in large part because of her role in a prior criminal case.
Delaware's actions will have a major impact on the way the takeover game is played nationally because of the state's role in corporate America.
Because of her continuing role on television, Blake rarely had time for films.
These terms have traditionally been studied because of their role in cognitive development.
He was given that name because of his role as a diplomat and negotiator.
Chemistry is often called "the central science" because of its role in connecting the other natural sciences.
But the media actually has particularly acute responsibilities here because of its critical role in influencing public attitudes.
This is partly because of music's role in Monteverdi's scheme.
Although he had made similar comments before, the markets appeared to react sharply this time because of his role in the campaign.