The reader is led to despise one character because of his bad taste in neckties, but not to hold racism and homophobia against another.
However, the market was limited for such wines because of their peculiar taste which was often called "foxy".
It may have not been more widely used because of its bitter taste, due to the alkaloid content.
It grew quickly because of its authentic Italian taste and unique artistic approach.
People in Odisha like it because of its unique taste.
It's because of your foul taste and filthy manners that Lankhmar won't accept me.
'Donald loses all his dates because of his terrible taste in movies,' said another voice.
Miss Gregory, who was known as "Disco Flo" because of her taste in music, loved people.
The dish has been regarded as a quality food in Korea because of its rich and creamy taste, nutritiousness, and easy digestibility.
To enter a college, regular education is often preferred because of the nation's rigid educational taste on test result and record.