"Because the guy who did Cuervo had braids."
No one was real upset," said Laudner, "except me because the guy wouldn't do anything.
Maybe I can get a butcher shop real cheap because the guy who owns it can't make good on some bad bets he took.
As a coach, you knew you had to because the other guy was doing it.
Because the guy who was there only remembers six feet on either side.
A total disaster, and all because the guy liked lobsters.
"But in this case, everyone's cheering on the bodybuilder, because the scrawny guy is the mean, nasty, reprehensible one."
But I said I wouldn't because the guy on the ground might need me as a witness.
I was worried for a while because the guy they originally earmarked as my producer was slightly scary.
Second, because the guy who got the cup is my teammate.