It was really believing our own notices and becoming very arrogant.
By 1944 it was evident that the Japanese were going to lose the war, and their behaviour in Thailand had become increasingly arrogant.
On top of it all, he's become quite arrogant.
We are becoming boisterous and arrogant in the pride of a too speedily assumed literary freedom.
For this reason and on account of this wrong thinking you have become elated and arrogant.
He constantly gets into fights with the media, which reveals he has become arrogant.
As for himself, he said, "if anyone sees any sign of me becoming arrogant, I've issued orders to shoot me immediately."
They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.
Perhaps merely the sense that someone had become too arrogant or prominent was enough to get someone's name onto an ostrakon.
And the dealers, who had become fat and arrogant, contributed to the problem.