The second was his feeling that his routine had become bloated and old.
Although branded 'Anti-Capitalist', the majority of the protestors actually believe Capitalism is the best system, but that left unchecked it has become bloated and corrupt.
Progressive rock followed through psychedelia's cosmic ambitions and became BLOATED and meandering.
She became bloated and jaundiced, but continued to drink even after her doctor warned her she would soon die of liver failure if she continued.
He became bloated and irritable, and looked drunk on his last television appearance, on William F. Buckley's Firing Line in 1968.
He also stated that the State Bar had become bloated and inefficient and criticized its Conference of Delegates for taking positions on divisive political issues like abortion.
But the case was not unique, and as privatization efforts have bogged down, industries that have become bloated, bankrupt and outmoded continue to slouch along.
Well, and, I mean, the traditional personal firewalls - McAfee, Symantec, ZoneAlarm - they really have become huge and bloated.
Gian Gastone's once acclaimed complexion and weight were ruined by the course of dissipation he pursued in Prague, becoming blotchy and bloated respectively.
The force of the two warp-core ruptures, plus the gravitational-energy-container rupture, will be focused on this area of the secondary neutron star, which is becoming more bloated as it loses matter.