By 1988, the sports marketplace was becoming mildly bullish again, but certain things had changed, probably forever.
He has become more bullish on stocks, but says that at their age he and his wife "don't buy much stock anymore."
But as the dollar moved past 1.80 marks and then 1.85, analysts have become more bullish.
And some have become less bullish recently, though they still generally expect stocks to keep rising.
Instead of quickly becoming bullish, the typical newsletter editor believed the rally to be a bear-market trap.
Those analysts who are becoming bullish on the stock, he said, "are calling it too early."
The Tokyo stock market has been tumbling and analysts have become less bullish.
But investors have become more bullish on at least one investment of late: cash.
Consumers are becoming far more bullish about the next six months and a bit less gloomy about the present.
In recent weeks, the Dow has been moving higher, albeit fitfully, and some analysts were becoming cautiously bullish.