In cases of advanced psychosis, someone who has become catatonic is rigid and unresponsive to stimulation.
Carla has become catatonic, blaming herself for the child's death.
When Nancy discovered evidence that proved Ron was actually guilty, she became catatonic, and was committed to a mental hospital.
"Elaine, when you were asleep on Wednesday, you were becoming catatonic."
It had become catatonic, withdrawn into its own private abyss of remorse and recrimination.
Alma leaves, and later returns, to find that Elisabet has become completely catatonic.
Helsse once more croaked and became catatonic.
He's becoming catatonic, switching off his mind so he won't have to come to terms with what must be a great disturbance.
He became catatonic and was sent to a government institution on the outskirts of Toulon.
One variation involves a teacher who tells a bored group of school children the story, resulting in both children and teacher becoming catatonic and losing their memory.