There is not only a danger of the drama becoming very confrontational; the focus can split, resulting in confusion and loss of control.
Players feel that umpires have become more confrontational in recent years.
At the Continental Coffee Bar he was served a cold pie, and became confrontational.
And protests are becoming more confrontational, the report says.
The New Zealand attitude is becoming increasingly confrontational and commercial.
In the aftermath of that shooting, many public officials questioned whether patrol strategies had become too confrontational and their targets too trivial.
With talk of war increasing, the White House press briefing room has become more confrontational.
As the condition of the banks improves, their meetings with the rating agencies are becoming more confrontational.
My attorneys have advised me not to comment," he said, "because this has become so confrontational and outlandish.
"Over the past three years, the far right in Britain has become increasingly confrontational and provocative."