Note: In the early 1990s, Furth and Sondheim revised the libretto, cutting and altering dialogue that had become dated and rewriting the end to act one.
On the movie screen, at least, such obliviousness has become dated, silly and painful to watch.
While Bagehot's references to parliament have become dated, his observations on the monarchy are seen as central to the understanding of the principles of constitutional monarchy.
Miles also embarked on an extensive store refurbishment program, as outlets had become dated and run-down.
Although Mr. Cutler's polemics have become dated, his intentions were noble.
The books, published in 1997 and 1998 respectively, have become dated (although the Vegetarian Resource Group says a new edition of its guide should be out early next year).
Michael Scott, its designer, is now considered one of the most important architects of the twentieth century in Ireland - however the original structure has become dilapidated and dated.
Precisely because some of the specific concerns of "Rent" have become dated, the truth at its heart is clearer than ever.
But when did questions of dual identity and desires that flout or yearn to flout convention become dated or rarefied?
Critics argue his pieces have become dated and no longer reflect the direction their cities want to take.