Because the system is becoming destructive to good theater, that's why.
Anti-Semitism has deep roots in Germany, but why did this traditional dislike suddenly become rampant and destructive?
Leaping on the backs of their favorites, the girls soar skyward, only to discover that the horses have become wild and destructive.
The events have become more destructive given the increasing vulnerability of population and property.
It's also become destructive, and I'm going to need some of your people down there.
Calling the police would be only a last resort and only if the crowd was becoming destructive or violent.
All pleasure impulses, when oversatisfied, become destructive; controlled, the instincts can be very useful.
Since then the remaining female, which is 8" in size, has become very aggressive and destructive.
"Once a hacker starts becoming really destructive, they stop being a hacker and become a criminal."
By the end of September the German attacks were becoming less frequent and destructive.