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Ra-ghoratreii held up his hand, becoming exasperated that this matter was proceeding so rapidly beyond his control.
I could tell she was becoming exasperated.
She heard the voice through the loud hailer asking people to move further back, losing its patience now, becoming exasperated.
"Then don't interrupt me," said Ms. Betanzos, who had become quite exasperated.
The sheriff had said the most likely explanation was that the father had become exasperated.
Freddie was becoming exasperated with the man's intransigence.
However, new life forms brought new troubles, so God became exasperated and sealed them in "disc stones".
After an argument over his registration, Daniels became exasperated and tried to leave.
By now the priest was becoming exasperated with the child who in turn was becoming ever more stubborn by the minute.
The operators of the grove became exasperated but were too polite to ask their ruling prince to bug off.