By 1883, engines that could provide 10,000 hp had become feasible.
By 1838 the use of cast and wrought iron in buildings had become feasible.
The last option was proposed in the 1970s, but is only recently becoming feasible.
Technologists have talked up the concept for years, but it is just now becoming feasible.
As the school's population increased, such interviews became less feasible and were eventually discontinued.
Like so much else that seemed impossible a year ago, it is becoming feasible.
As the day had passed, it had become less feasible to think of his living anywhere else.
So the government should focus on our to keep those people and not how to protect them when if finally become feasible to download 50gig games.
The novelty of the situation is why magic has become feasible.
Dividing distribution rights along such lines has become more feasible as the foreign markets have grown rapidly in recent years.