While there, Casey improved on his high school German to become fluent enough in the language to write his doctoral thesis in the language.
Ramage almost shrieked, and lapsed into a stream of Italian to givehimself time to think, afraid that his French had become too fluent.
I was becoming more fluent in their language, even though they had yet to speak mine.
Both races were also becoming more and more fluent in English, though they had trouble with past tenses of verbs.
As they had been talking, the beAt's idiom was becoming more and more fluent, even witty.
Fyson was said to have become more fluent in Japanese than English.
Amos continued speaking, pausing as he sought the appropriate words but gradually becoming more fluent and his blue eyes began to warm with sincerity.
He learned Mandarin, becoming sufficiently fluent to conduct services in it.
His Arabic was becoming more fluent every day.
He doesn't talk as much as Koch, but he's becoming more fluent, more emotional.