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The rest of my personal life had become equally frustrating.
But it is becoming increasingly frustrating that most people in a position to affect public policy do not understand the financial aspects of health insurance.
But the compound result of both situations is that placing phone calls in public places has become frustrating.
I'm very much in love with you and it's becoming damned frustrating.
The restrictions have become even more frustrating now that the beta period is over.
"Five episodes of fairly high water since 1973, including 1993, is more than we would expect, and it's becoming very frustrating."
"We're not playing well and it is becoming frustrating," Holik said.
What had been a nearly perfect setup, however, has become frustrating.
"It is becoming more frustrating, taking me longer to walk my course," she conceded.
The attempts had become increasingly frustrating, and she felt it might be easier to give up the effort, at least temporarily.