Upon her arrival, Marla learns that Elly has become hopelessly enmeshed in the affairs of an impossibly handsome, enigmatic cocaine dealer named Lenny, who's an amateur historian and is said to have killed a woman.
Herbert E. Alexander, head of the Citizens Research Foundation at the University of Southern California, said the contribution limits, stuck at $1,000 since 1974, had become hopelessly out of date.
The race director, Allan Steinfeld, also fessed up that he had become hopelessly lost during a 10-mile race from the Bronx to the World's Fair in Queens in 1964.
"Halfway Home" sees that eternal struggle as having become hopelessly snared in psychological red tape.
The mud caused problems with both riding teams and spectators becoming hopelessly stuck in the muddy fields after the event.
Again, and again; the formation of the enemy becoming more and more hopelessly confused with each shift.
In "Pin," which opens today at the Film Forum, Leon's nature and Pin's eventually become hopelessly intertwined.
At this, Merivel becomes hopelessly and imprudently smitten with his bride, and no wonder: she arrives for the wedding ceremony riding on a golden float and strumming a mandolin.
"They haven't succeeded in persuading people that it's actually a bigger involvement, and it has become hopelessly enmeshed in the bad feelings generated by Iraq."
Mr. Grodin plays a C.I.A. agent who recruits Mr. Hoffman (the plot has become hopelessly overcomplicated by now) with a fine mixture of casualness and chicanery.