Beneath me June's body froze, becoming utterly immobile, lifeless.
Rhodes discovered that, as owner of two of the family beast's legs, he could lobby for a gelato or whatever else he wanted simply by becoming immobile.
Cadet Brugg noticed that the brown eyes of the mousebeaver had suddenly become immobile, as if they were seeing something terrible, incomprehensible in the far distance.
That would either have led to a rude awakening or a cataleptic condition after the deed, such as Jenkins becoming rigid or immobile.
The golem stepped into the light and became immobile.
Colene had also become immobile when under siege.
Performance criteria are therefore in terms of distance and speed at which the vehicle can escape without becoming immobile and the steering control over the vehicle during this process.
It is an excellent way to avoid the spasms that land me in the ER after locking my back up and becoming immobile.
Fuel was running low and the risk of the flanking force running dry and becoming immobile just as it came into contact with the enemy had to be considered.
He managed to squeeze off a few rounds at the boulder, then toppled backwards, tumbling head over heels for three or four yards and becoming immobile.