Postponing payment and so becoming indebted to business partners was common, so it is possible to talk of debt being a form of credit.
John, having become indebted to the Jewish community while in Ireland, at first treated Jews with a show of forbearance.
Furthermore, "the show displays the degree to which the mainstream has become indebted to hip-hop."
He also became more indebted, and was forced to live in less glamorous surroundings.
The country is becoming ever more deeply indebted to Phoenician merchants, as imported goods destroy native industries.
It had become indebted, and finally disappeared in 1925.
The ongoing civil war from 1858 resulted in both Mexican political parties becoming indebted.
Young farmers would benefit from low-interest loans enabling them to implement their plans without running the risk of becoming heavily indebted.
This process leads to firms becoming excessively indebted, so that they stop investing, and the economy goes into recession.
An interesting philosophy but where did I ever suggest that you should borrow or became indebted?