How much of what then seemed so wonderful and unattainable has become insignificant, and what there was then is now for ever unattainable.
This is nature in all its primeval magnificence, where troubles of the modern world become utterly insignificant.
His tall body had shrunk; he had become insignificant.
But by the late 20th century, Fraser claims, the public had become engrossed in the cult of celebrity and public political life had become insignificant.
(The sun also had become insignificant and didn't contribute much to the light.)
In her eyes, I had become utterly insignificant; after helping herself to my husband, she felt she could take anything else she wanted.
Crete had now become insignificant, and Egyptian trade, though still important, did not play so large a part.
The shell that has symbolized order is now called a "blob"; the conch is becoming insignificant in the way that civilization is.
In truth, Israel had now become insignificant.
When the law has restrained them from doing this, they have become altogether useless and insignificant.