The distant shooting went almost quiet for a moment or two and then became insistent and rushed.
I was aware that my voice was becoming insistent, demanding, and tried to moderate it slightly.
In the last few days, official warnings that the military campaign will be long and difficult have become more frequent and insistent.
The police became more insistent, and began banging on the door.
In this woman's case, firmness of character does not lead to her becoming dogmatic or insistent.
The need to sing crystal had become more insistent during the last leg of their return voyage.
Similarly, individual donors are becoming increasingly insistent on seeing tangible results and knowing how their money is spent.
Jason told him the voices in his head were becoming more insistent, telling him to kill himself.
Urgings from bank analysts to squeeze out a British network are becoming insistent.
The sound was all about him; a rippling susurra-tion becoming steadily more insistent.