At the same time, the bacteria behind the disorders may be becoming even more lethal.
The dolphins were killed by common bacteria normally found in coastal waters, which, for an unknown reason, have recently become lethal to the mammals.
But this royal grace came too late, his illness had become lethal and he died 1 December the same year.
Although most people now recover, having any conditions that lower one's immune system increases the risk of having the flu become potentially lethal.
Two hours later, for safe margin, the switch would go over, and the thing become lethal.
H5N1 bird flu is becoming more and more lethal to poultry.
The small star had suddenly become lethal.
The ballet shows a newborn female creature - referred to as the Novice in the program - growing up and becoming increasingly lethal.
With their guards shooting that well, the Knicks' offense become lethal.
Certain viruses have become more lethal in the past few years, and are even affecting people who are normally very healthy.