The secretary was becoming ever more morose as the voyage continued and now looked up at Sharpe with resentful eyes.
He had become morose and cruel.
He has certainly responded to the treatment but he has become morose, reluctant to converse with the other patients.
By the third round Larsen had become morose and militant.
Drukker straightway became morose, and said he didn't care to go indoors just yet.
Her boyfriend died of aids, having despaired and become morose because of the disease.
It is not that Mr. Wagoner has become bad-tempered or morose.
He drew more and more within himself, became morose, and brooded much.
Colt has become very morose and sullen, and snarls at me when I address him.
"Come now, my old friendl Life is grim enough without us becoming morose."