The people in the marketplace become outraged and threaten to destroy Jupiter.
- Dealey had answered the questions, calmly at first, but eventually becoming outraged, himself, by Culver's anger.
Meanwhile, the Western world was becoming outraged about discrimination and antisemitism in Romania.
And then she read on, and became outraged.
The public became outraged and blamed doctors in general and rioted against them.
What is more New York than becoming outraged when you are being wronged although you are absolutely right?
It's great that at long last young people in this country are once again becoming politically aware and outraged at self-serving politicians.
A growing number of Scots, even those who fought with him and certainly all who were neutral, were becoming outraged by his excesses.
After discovering that there would be no trial, Comstock had become outraged and demanded that something be done.
Kabibonooka was becoming truly outraged, and he followed Shingebis to the lake and froze him in.