The general's frustration was becoming palpable, but to his credit he still seemed able to keep it in check, if only barely.
The New York City Marathon has a magic that has become more palpable over the years.
The World Trade Center tragedy made desperate a financial decline that had already become palpable.
For how can anyone ignore the feelings of other people, when those feelings have become intensely palpable, like integral parts of your own mind?
But soon optimism turns to isolation as the family she has inherited struggles beneath the weight of unspoken words, their collective frustration becoming palpable.
The depth and emotion of the epic become palpable throughout.
As the talks drag on, domestic opposition to giving up any part of the strategically vital heights has become increasingly palpable.
Europe's frustration that the euro is absorbing the bulk of this downward pressure has become palpable.
The state of emergency has become palpable.
In the back of the Land Rover, the disquiet was becoming palpable.