The committee found nothing new or unusual about the reports, which included cases of children who had become psychotic and others who had developed heart problems.
As a result, she has become psychotic, longing to see sunlight; upon which the presenter shuts the door on her desperate pleas.
Evidence suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy may reduce the risk of becoming psychotic in those at high risk after a year.
One night soon afterwards Tony became psychotic and pleaded for the police to detain him so he would not harm himself or anyone else.
After a failed suicide attempt, Laura became psychotic and agreed to be locked up in an asylum.
Israel, he tells her, has become psychotic and corrupt and there's nothing he can do about it.
Without treatment, some people with schizophrenia become so psychotic and disorganized that they cannot care for their basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter.
It is unclear how many prisoners in solitary confinement become psychotic.
But people don't usually die after becoming psychotic under cocaine without an altercation.
What has happened is that you have gone crazy; you have become psychotic.