But in recent days, city officials appear to have become more receptive to some form of expansion plan at the Javits site.
Mkwiro is also becoming more receptive to the tourism industry.
Within the last year, Chinese banks have accelerated sales of their bad loans as the government has become more receptive to foreign investors, he said.
But there also is a more immediate allure, investors have become receptive to alternative energy companies.
At the same time, shoppers are becoming highly receptive to new technology.
Now, with the economy reeling and an election at hand, the Administration appears to be becoming more receptive to what it calls technology policy.
Besides, the Empire has become more receptive to advanced medical treatment over the past few years, especially thanks to the war.
At least on the conceptual level, people are becoming receptive to the idea.
Some municipal leaders are becoming more receptive to such projects, developers say.