New features become regular, and there was more variety, tackling issues that are not usually found in mainstream newspapers.
These attacks are becoming far too regular - I must have a funny western smell.
She rested on one elbow and looked at him for a long time after his breathing had become regular.
Starting in 1960, after the introduction of new national financing laws, government aid increased and became regular.
The chaotic arrangement of those artificial lights had become significantly more regular, I saw.
By the beginning of 1999 these meetings had become regular.
In recent years, local elections with more candidates than positions available have become regular, yet talking about major changes at higher levels remains taboo.
The raiding then virtually stopped for around forty years; but in about 835 it started becoming more regular.
He did so for the first time a few years ago, she said, but now it is becoming more regular.
In recent years, her television appearances have become less regular.