Latterly the house was vacated and became ruinous.
The church was restored in the 1880s after becoming virtually ruinous in the 1870s.
Mote and Robertson Hall became ruinous and has since been demolished.
The tower castle became ruinous and unihabitable, but stood until the new house was built in 1806.
Third world bank debt of some $600 billion has become ruinous.
He retained the abbot's lodging as a house, and the cloister became a garden, though both later became ruinous along with the remainder of the monastery.
By the twentieth century it had become ruinous and dangerous, but it was subsequently restored and reoccupied.
Following his execution, the buildings fell into disrepair and became ruinous.
Just as damaging, price competition in the business long-distance market has become ruinous.
By 1719, it was a farm with some of the buildings such as the refectory having become ruinous.