They are straight on the upper whorls, becoming slightly curved above.
The surface is smooth, becoming slightly stick when moist.
The ground color of the hindwings is white, becoming slightly to strongly brown toward the apex.
As the one mirror is moved, the beams become slightly more out of phase.
If possible, cover yourself with a blanket you may become slightly chilled as your body cools down.
Then the ride can become slightly annoying with the side-to-side rocking sometimes called "head toss."
"I may have become slightly obsessed with the idea of image," he said recently, a hint of deadpan in his voice.
Originally aligned with the surface become slightly curved as a result of different materials placed in heap.
Parker shudders slightly at the thought of her own children becoming difficult teenagers.
The liquid form of lactulose may become slightly darken in color, but this is a harmless effect.