"Landfill space is becoming very sparse in the state," Mr. Hagerty said.
There was a dead, barren feeling to the road now; the trees were becoming sparse and most of them were stunted and twisted.
At last, with only an hour of daylight left, the forest began to dwindle, becoming more sparse and open.
But passenger traffic became sparse and was ended in the 1920's.
Symptoms affecting the foliage are yellowing, becoming small and sparse, and remaining on the tree during the summer time.
The list shrunk gradually as events became more sparse, and did not publish for the show in New York 2003, but has been published for subsequent San Francisco shows.
Reef fish populations in the impacted areas have become sparse.
The skin is densely covered by fine dermal denticles, that become sparse to absent on the pelvic fins, towards the ventral disc margin, and around the mouth.
In any case, division is needed only by established clumps that have become too large or whose flowers have become sparse or small.
The vegetation fell away and became more sparse.