The laughter of women had become more solicitous and strident, for now the girls had competition.
Bellini went on, his voice becoming more strident.
Even some Turkish leaders seemed to acknowledge that Turkey's language might have become too strident.
The Dreikaiserbund was again renewed in 1884, but panslavism was becoming more strident.
The phone kept ringing and each time she answered it her voice changed, becoming more strident, more assertive.
On other songs, the political viewpointing became more strident and was criticized as somewhat artless.
Nahoot's tone rose again, becoming strident and impatient "Here, you men!"
But an undertone of personal recrimination has become increasingly strident.
But among the younger generations, the conservative message has become less strident.
Google has become more strident on the issue since its ignominious retreat from China almost two years ago.