In 1933, Jacobs became quite possibly the first person to fly in the eye of a Hurricane.
He becomes an astronaut following the moon landings to fly the Apollo/Moonlab missions.
Amelia Earhart gave the city a much needed boost when she landed here in 1932 becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.
These pilots would then become the first ones to fly for the new German air force, the Luftwaffe, when Hitler said that it now existed.
There he became the first pilot to fly at night.
A year later, she set a record by becoming the first woman to fly a solo round trip between England and Australia.
Earhart went on to achieve fame by becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1928.
It is becoming very expensive and time consuming to fly employees around the world for face-to-face product pitches, training sessions and meetings.
The more difficult it becomes to fly, the clearer it is that the car is a vital consumer durable for most Europeans.
They become the first fighters to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.