A moral climate has been created in which collective responsibility has become unfashionable.
In addition, in many areas of the country, guns have become unfashionable.
Bovie persisted with history painting at a time when it had become unfashionable, but her subject matter shows great variety.
Smoking, unlike nuclear weapons, has not yet become unfashionable.
The question must arise, therefore, why this kind of urban sociology has become unfashionable.
Technically, his work is usually conservative, and his ideas have become unfashionable.
The "dictatorship of the proletariat" is a phrase that over the last decade had become unfashionable - until this month.
An obvious bid that has become unfashionable is the direct jump shift in response to a suit opening, hinting at a slam.
This was a very popular girl's name in the United States in the early 20th century, but has since become unfashionable.
After three decades it had become too small and its style had become unfashionable.