And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant.
To find glamour and to make fashion important, because everybody is terrified it's becoming unimportant.
And for too long we've been misled into believing that manufacturing and industry had become unimportant.
Strange, thought Caillean, how her weariness had suddenly not gone but become unimportant.
It was becoming unimportant to him, now, how swift his pace might be.
I found my clever plans and sentimental reservations quickly becoming unimportant.
In the progress of law reform this court has become unimportant.
Possession of the necklace was suddenly becoming quite unimportant.
The blaze and noise of the world around him remained interesting, but had become unimportant.
"What you decide has just become unimportant," Falkenberg said.